Why Our Work Matters
Early adolescence is a time of great transition and great opportunity. Habits formed now are highly likely to become permanent, and studies show that executive function skills– including organization, managing distractions, cognitive flexibility, self-regulation, and resilience when something doesn’t go as planned– are more reliable predictors of success in academics and in life than IQ, test scores or socioeconomic status1.
We believe that these skills have long been underemphasized in today’s learning environments. Students gain confidence by developing self-monitoring and self-awareness skills, by feeling comfortable with being uncomfortable, and by rebounding from disappointments or failures, all of which are key to accessing the opportunities they need for long-term economic mobility.
We know that all students benefit from this work, and our program is designed to reach students who are often overlooked in current programming initiatives.
By providing students with these fundamental skills, the Life Navigator School program establishes a consistent framework for executive functioning support as a marked step toward equity, access, and opportunity.
Our train-the-trainer model is designed to integrate into existing programming, which reduces teacher workload and helps ensure long-term sustainability. At its core, our program is outcomes-focused, and we have seen exciting results ranging from radical schoolwide culture shifts to improved student engagement and minimized faculty burnout.
1 Adele Diamond and Daphne S. Ling, “Conclusions about interventions, programs, and approaches for improving executive functions that appear justified and those that, despite much hype, do not,” Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 18 (2015): 34-38, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2015.11.005.

“As students have gone into the year, they have gotten used to their morning routine and have been able to organize their spaces as well as shared spaces because they know what the expectations are and how to meet those expectations.”
– Participating K-4 teacher